healthier home checklist | Green Home Coach | Marla Esser Cloos

The Healthier Home Checklist: A Guide to More Sustainable Living

Just as we prioritize our personal well-being, caring for our living environment is equally crucial. Sustainability might initially appear overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. There’s no need to tackle every aspect of sustainable living all at once. Sustainability can seem daunting at first, but it doesn’t have to be. As the world prioritizes sustainable alternatives, there are numerous options and techniques available. It’s not necessary to tackle them all at once. Simply taking the first or next step is sufficient and I am here to guide you along the way with my Healthier Home Checklist.

The Power of Simple Swaps

Small changes can lead to significant transformations. By making simple swaps in your household, you can create a safer and more environmentally-friendly home. These sustainable practices not only benefit the planet but also enhance your daily life, ultimately saving you time and money when it comes to home maintenance.

With this in mind, we’ve crafted a checklist with 21 practical ways to incrementally enhance the safety, health, and comfort of your home. Whether you’re a homeowner or working with clients in the real estate and design industries, this checklist is your roadmap to creating a better living space.

Inspiring Positive Change

Our mission is clear: to inspire individuals to make positive changes in their homes, families, and workplaces. We advocate for the use of green and sustainable household products, aiming to foster the creation of safer, healthier, and more comfortable living spaces. Your home is your sanctuary, and it should reflect your commitment to a sustainable and fulfilling life.

The checklist we’ve carefully curated offers three distinct levels of updates and choices, allowing you to tailor your sustainability journey to your unique circumstances and preferences:

Level 1: Anytime Swaps

These are quick, impactful changes that can be made anytime. They’re perfect for those who are just beginning their sustainability journey or for homeowners looking to make easy, beneficial upgrades. For instance, routinely replacing heat/AC air filters is a simple yet effective way to maintain clean and healthy indoor air quality.

Level 2: Upgrades & DIY Projects

This level delves deeper into sustainability. It’s designed for those ready to take on more significant changes during a renovation or as part of a do-it-yourself project. For example, consider freshening up your walls and floors with Green Guard or Green Seal low or no-VOC paints and finishes. This not only enhances your living space aesthetically but also promotes better indoor air quality, making your home safer and more comfortable.

Level 3: Remodels & New Builds

The pinnacle of sustainable living, this level is reserved for those embarking on a remodel or new construction project. Here, we explore cutting-edge technologies and practices that can redefine the way you interact with your living environment. Think of installing a Smart Home control system to monitor and regulate lights and heat, optimizing energy usage and minimizing waste. This investment in sustainable infrastructure lays the foundation for a greener and smarter home for years to come.

Sustainable Living: Simple, Aesthetic, and Cost-Effective

Contrary to the misconception that sustainable living is difficult or requires sacrifices, it can be a beautiful and budget-friendly endeavor. Green homes can be aesthetically pleasing, comfortable, and economically sensible. Opting for eco-friendly alternatives can set you on a path to a healthier home that caters to your needs while also enhancing your home’s value.

But the benefits don’t stop at aesthetics and savings. Sustainable living has far-reaching advantages for both individuals and the environment. Here’s how adopting green and sustainable practices can positively impact your life and the world around you:

Health Benefits

Adopting sustainable practices in your home directly impacts your physical and emotional well-being. By reducing exposure to toxins and maximizing fresh airflow, you create an environment that promotes good health. Allergies and health problems related to poor indoor air quality can be significantly reduced, contributing to a healthier lifestyle for everyone in your household.

Economic Prosperity

Embracing sustainability in your home leads to long-term financial benefits. Energy-efficient upgrades, such as installing programmable thermostats or using LED lighting, reduce utility bills and increase product longevity. These changes also decrease maintenance costs and enhance the resale value of your home, providing economic prosperity for homeowners.

Community Well-being

Sustainable homes have a ripple effect that extends beyond your personal space. By minimizing strain on local infrastructure and supporting the local economy through the purchase of green products, you contribute to the well-being of your community. Additionally, reduced transportation costs and a boost in neighborhood appeal strengthen the bonds within your community.

Global Impact

Creating a healthier home goes hand in hand with caring for the planet. Sustainable practices within your home significantly reduce your environmental impact. By slowing resource depletion, conserving energy and water, and minimizing waste generation, you play a vital role in preserving the Earth’s natural resources and protecting its delicate ecosystems.

Opting for alternative energy sources, such as solar panels or geothermal heating and cooling systems, can further reduce your reliance on traditional energy grids, mitigating your carbon footprint. Integrating smart home technology not only helps manage energy use but also promotes water conservation, enhances security, and streamlines waste management, further advancing your sustainable living journey.

Pioneering Sustainable Living

Sustainability isn’t a daunting endeavor—it’s a rewarding journey of incremental change. Starting with simple swaps and gradually progressing through upgrades and renovations, you can pioneer sustainable living while enjoying a healthier, more comfortable home. Green and sustainable practices not only benefit your personal well-being but also have a far-reaching positive impact on your community and the world at large.

As you embark on this path to a healthier and more sustainable home, remember that the journey is as important as the destination. Stay informed about emerging technologies, materials, and practices that continue to enhance the sustainability of homes. Together, we can create a world where healthier, more sustainable homes are not the exception but the norm, ensuring a better future for generations to come.


Download your Healthier Home Checklist to start living in or working on healthier, better homes today!