Download Your Healthier Home Checklist

Simple, Healthy, Sustainable Living

Creating a better home doesn't have to be hard, it just has to be intentional.
- Marla, Green Home Coach

At first glance, sustainability can be intimidating. But, what if it didn’t have to be? As our world begins to emphasize the importance of sustainable alternatives, we are presented with an abundance of options and techniques, but you don’t have to tackle them all at once.

I’m here to tell you that just taking the first or next step is enough.

You’ve decided the path to health and sustainability is the right one. Now, I’m here to teach you what your next steps are. Just as we take care of ourselves, it’s important to take care of where we live. Which is why I’m proud to be your coach that helps you create a happier, healthier home.

Healthier Home Checklist

Download our checklist to start living in a healthier, better home today!


Importance of Simple Swaps

Simple swaps lead to a safer, greener home! Swapping out a few household items and taking sustainable actions will help you save time and money when maintaining homes and buildings.

That’s why I’ve put together a checklist of 21 practical ways to incrementally improve the health, safety, and comfort of homes

– yours or your clients.

My mission is to empower people in their homes, families, and work by sharing how and why swapping traditional home products with green and sustainable ones can create a safer, healthier, and more comfortable home.

Let's break it down

Our curated checklist includes 3 levels of updates & choices: 

  • Quick, impactful changes that can be done anytime
  • Updates during an upgrade or DIY project
  • Better, healthier choices of products, materials and practices during a remodel or new build

Taking steps toward a healthier, greener home does not have to be hard or require sacrifice. Green homes can be beautiful, comfortable, and affordable. Making a greener choice can set you on the course to a healthier, home that works better for you. And, these recommendations typically increase your home’s value as well as improve the health and comfort for the people living there. 

Download our complimentary checklist to start living in a healthier, better home today!

Sustainable homes improve our....

  • benefits physical and emotional health
  • increases overall comfort
  • reduces exposure to toxins
  • maximizes fresh airflow and reduces indoor air pollution
  • decreases allergies and prevents health problems


  • reduces utility bills
  • increases product longevity
  • decreases maintenance costs
  • increases home resale value
  • minimizes strain on local infrastructure
  • supports local economy
  • reduces transportation costs
  • boosts neighborhood appeal


  • reduces environmental impact
  • slows resource depletion
  • protects air, water, plants, and wildlife
  • reduces waste

Healthier Home Checklist


Download our checklist to start living in a healthier, better home today!



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These are companies whose products and services support healthier outcomes, small businesses, women, and homes. 

Green Home Coach has an affiliate relationship with many of these trusted companies and receives a commission for your purchase.

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