My guest on today’s Green Gab is Rhonda Flint, a wellness advocate with Young Living Essential Oils. Essential oils have been an incredible tool for Rhonda and her family to have healthy bodies, and bring wellness into their home. Join us today as we show you how to create a cozy winter home using essential oils!
A new dimension with essential oils
Before discovering essential oils, Rhonda didn’t realize that many of the things that she brought into her home were affecting her family’s health, their cognitive abilities, and their endocrine systems. Since she replaced those things with essential oils and established some dietary changes, her children no longer frequent the doctor’s office nearly as often as they used to.
Now, her goal is to help people to change their lifestyle and bring about healthier homes.
Essential oils – an incredible wellness tool
Essential oils are nothing new. People have been using them since biblical times. So, whether we ingest them, use them topically, or diffuse them, we’re not introducing anything foreign to our bodies, and so our bodies know just what to do with them. Essential oils do an incredible job of boosting our immune systems and helping to fight off free radicals.
Essential oils more powerful than herbs
Herbs have their place as a tool for your wellness, but to utilize an herb, the plant has to be dead. Most essential oils, however, are extracted from the plants in the steam distillation process, while the plant is still alive. This means that essential oils capture the essence of the plant. So, when compared with herbs, the constituent rate of their anti-oxidant levels is much higher, making essential oils a more potent tool for wellness than herbs.
Essential oils as part of a lifestyle
Essential oils can be used every day, as part of your lifestyle. They help the endocrine system, the upper respiratory system, and the digestive system. You can use them for skin-care, as a deodorant, and as a nutritional supplement.
Healthy lifestyle changes
One of the biggest lifestyle-changes that Rhonda made was to remove all the unhealthy air-fresheners and perfumed candles from her home. We breathe these things into our lungs and we absorb them through our porous skin, so they affect every single organ in our body. Rhonda replaced the air-fresheners and candles with essential oil diffusers. She and her family have learned what it’s like to breathe clean air again and many of the ailments they used to suffer from have disappeared.
The other change she made was to stop using drier sheets because they contain benzyl acetate and benzyl alcohol. To replace them she uses a drier ball with some essential oil on it. Drier balls reduce the drying time and they also remove the static from the clothes. If you don’t have one, you can simply take a wash-cloth, put a couple of drops of essential oil on it, and place it in your drier.
Small steps towards creating a healthy environment
You don’t have to change everything at once. It took Rhonda nine years of baby steps to do it. She started by replacing the air fresheners and candles in her home with diffusers. Then, two years later, when her daughter broke out in a rash on her face, she realized that the drier sheets were toxic, and she replaced them with drier balls and essential oils.
Cleaning up your laundry routine
Today, there are many more clean options available than there were twelve or thirteen years ago. Now, you can walk into any store and find several different kinds available. Many local manufacturers are also making products. Although these products don’t always have all the certifications, you can look at the list of ingredients to feel assured that they are good. Or you find DIY recipes to make clean products at home to keep your laundry smelling rosy and fresh.
Easy DIY
Rhonda has tons of DIY recipes available for making your home cozy, clean, and sweet-smelling. Her favorite is the Outdoor Annoyance-Free Spray. It’s great for preventing annoying flying insects from bombarding you when you’re outdoors, especially in the evenings and around water. It doesn’t coat your skin with any harmful ingredients.
An incredible product to replace several others
There are lots of green products available for cleaning your home. Young Living has an incredible cleaner, called Thieves Household Cleaner, a blend of eucalyptus, rosemary, lemon, and cinnamon bark. It has a wonderfully clean and invigorating smell, and it can replace every other cleaning product in your home. It’s very concentrated so it takes just one capful to make a 32oz spray-bottle full of household cleaner. This product is completely safe for anyone to use, even children.
Hidden dangers
When you see the word “fragrance” in a list of ingredients, know that within that word is an entire recipe of other ingredients that the manufacturer is not obliged to mention.
Cooking with essential oils
Young Living has a line of Vitality oils that you can ingest. The Young Living Cinnamon Vitality oil is great in apple pie and you can also boil the apple peels with a little essential oil to permeate the air with a delicious, warm smell. The peppermint oil is wonderful in tea.
Links and Resources:
Thieves Essential Home Cleaner
Vitality Cinnamon Essential Oil
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