Many different aspects of our homes may impact our health and well-being and the ease with which we can maintain our homes.
Something I learned to take in hand during the pandemic was the filtration in my home. Filtration systems may vary, but they all serve the same purpose: To filter the air moving through the heating and cooling systems, making it cleaner and better to breathe.
I’m Marla, the Green Home Coach! Today, Gay Harris of Superior Air Quality and Green Screen Air Filters joins me to discuss better air quality for our homes.
Taking over the Green Screen Air Filter company
Gay and her husband worked in construction on and off for years until seven years ago when they took over the Green Screen Air Filter company. After that, they continued doing home and garden shows as the original owners had done. They liked the product because it creates better airflow for filtration units and saves electricity.
Green Screen Air Filters
The Green Screen Air Filter is a commercial-grade filter. It has been around since the 1950s, although not in the residential form. The main difference between Green Screen Air Filters and others is that all pleated filters collect dirt particles predominantly on one surface, so they quickly start restricting the airflow. Whereas the Green Screen is a one-inch fabric that layers the dirt according to the size of each particle. The Green Screen has hundreds of surfaces to collect the dirt particles, so it does not restrict the airflow.
Gay and her husband suffered from severe allergies when they first heard about the Green Screen Air Filters. When they started using them in their home, they began getting better and better each year and using fewer and fewer allergy medications. They no longer need to use allergy medications, so they know it works!
Cabin air filters
Most cars have odors, so Superior Air Quality supplies cabin air filters cut to specific sizes for different types of vehicles.
Setting up and replacing air filters
Gay and her husband help their customers figure out all they need to know about setting their air filters up and how often they should get replaced.
RV filters
Those living in RVs want to make sure that less dust gets inside. Green Screen Air Filters keep the dust out of RVs and ensure the air conditioning units stay clean.
All Green Screen filters, frames, and grids are customized and cut to fit any specific size.
No risk
The Green Screen Air Filter technology and design ensures there is no risk of slowing air conditioning systems down or causing them to burn out.
The importance of air quality
Air quality is extremely important because it directly impacts our health and well-being. According to the EPA, indoor air quality could be up to seventy times worse than the outside air. That’s why good filtration is essential to ensure optimum indoor air quality.
Purifiers are an important addition to indoor air filters. Different options are available, many of which are inferior, so Gay is happy to talk to anyone looking to find out more about them.
MERV rating
The home building and home maintenance industries are fraught with variables. So they tend to cling to products that work. Many heating and cooling companies are unfamiliar with Green Screen Air Filters, and that’s why Gay has a MERV rating equivalency on the Green Screen Air Filters.
The MERV rating helps in general. However, it only shows the number of particles collected and says nothing about the airflow. The ASHRAE Test has taught Gay about airflow, so that’s how she knows that the Green Screen Air Filters are amazing and provide way better airflow than any other filter!
A tip
Turn the thermostat fan from auto to on between dinner and bedtime and back to automatic again when you go to bed to filter the evening air and keep all the pollens out.
Have a great green day!
Links and resources: COUPON CODE GreenHomeCoach
The Green Screen Air Filter (MERV 11) Marla and Scott use in their home
What Makes the Green Screen Different?
Green Screen, GHC Trusted Brand
Past EGH Episode Green Screen Air Filters with Gay Harris
Learn more in my book, Living Green Effortlessly, Simple Choices for a Better Home
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