Today we’re going through our most popular posts from the last month, with some great green ideas you can use this winter season to keep you and your home eco-friendly.
We talk about LED lighting with Tyson Taussig in the 4 Green Benefits of Switching to LED Lighting. It’s only been recently that LEDs have become commonly used for home and office lighting. And the benefits of switching to LED lighting are worth taking a look.
Do you know what you’re bringing into your home and how those chemicals are affecting your health, cognitive ability, and endocrine system? Most of us don’t even think about it. But many of the products you use at home are doing your family a disservice. We talk with Rhonda Flint about how to Create a Cozy Home With Essential Oils.
It’s important to remember that our skin is our biggest organ, and what we put on it is absorbed. Studies show that 60% up to 100% of what we put on our skin goes right into the bloodstream, with no filters. What you use in your daily routines matters to your overall health. We talk with Elizabeth Allen about how to Choose Healthier Personal Care Products This Holiday Season.
We talk with Tony Pratte, the director of builder relations at the Sound Room. We’re talking about how a connected home is a great way to control your energy use, be environmentally aware, and increase safety for homeowners. These devices also make great gift options for others or yourself.