Cindi Rhinehart and partner Ron Williams have built to help you find your place – to build a home. Hoodle is aggregating subdivisions to build a home and builders to build them. Additional resources offer all kinds of help for the process and materials needed to build a home. Cindi and I gab about how Hoodle was born out of their frustration to find information about subdivision and builder choices. Their home owner centered process helps people get the information they need, find a builder or service provider and dream it/build it.
Working with Hoodle to make the home building experience easier and smarter is right up my alley. And sharing information about how to make it happen is exactly what Cindi is doing in her role with content marketing and social media. Listen in to Green Gab Episode 6 to learn more about how Hoodle can help you build your dream home.
Every week on iTunes and The Everyday Green Home Podcast, get the gab with us as we share what we’ve done, as well as tips for greening up your home, your job, your family and your life! Get in on the gab for why green matters – to you, your family and friends and your community.
For more information about the show email us at: Marla at or Tony at
I’d love to speak at your next event – for ideas check out my speaking information. Thank you and have a blessed day.