Gabbing with Nick Frisella of Metro Lighting about how lighting is an easy way to impact our energy usage while adding beauty and function to our homes and buildings. Nick has become very involved in his community of Maplewood MO as well as organizations in the St. Louis area and it gives him the chance to have some fun with his work while combining his passion for energy efficiency with community involvement. It’s been a real testimony to the difference people can make. Just a few of the highlights of the last few years that Nick has been combining energy efficiency and community involvement:
7 Energy Star awards for Metro Lighting
- Board of Directors, St. Louis Earth Day
- Green Dining Alliance
- Recycling on the Go
- Earth Action Grants
- $11 Million in energy savings through energy efficient lighting sold through Metro Lighting
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Energy efficiency and green are a lot like smartphones. Most of us never gave a thought to have a “computer in your pocket” and were quite content with our laptops and flip phones and Blackberries. And then this really cool iPhone came along. The more we used it, the cooler it got and then we could not imagine life without it. Energy efficiency and green homes and items may be following the same path. Once we have it and realize the awesome benefits, it will be hard to imagine life without it.
Regulations, building codes and exponential growth in innovation and technology will bring more and more new products to us. As they become more used and more a part of our lives, we are beneficiaries of the benefits – great quality lighting with great color and beauty for our homes and buildings; years and years of performance and service (so few bulbs to change now) and of course, the energy and cost savings that start the minute we put in our energy efficient lights. LED bulbs, in particular, look to be very much following the path of the smartphone.
Since LEDs are actually electronic components, they play very well in the home automation and technology scene. They truly are an appliance rather than a commodity.
CFL bulbs, better known as the “squiggly bulbs” or “curly bulbs” have served a purpose in moving us to more energy-efficient lighting. They use much less energy (and money) than traditional incandescent bulbs yet the very small amount of mercury in them has been concerning. Fortunately, LED bulbs offer better technology and a comparable price point. If you are moving from incandescent light bulbs, just go straight to LED bulbs and fixtures and they will serve you well for years.
For the CFL bulbs you still have in your home or building, you may choose to replace when they burn out or just go ahead and replace with LEDs now. Either way, be sure to RECYCLE ALL CFL BULBS. DO NOT THROW THEM IN THE TRASH. Most major home improvement retailers, including Lowe’s, Home Depot and Ace Hardware offer free recycling collection for unbroken bulbs. Ikea offers CFL recycling in many of their stores. CFL recycling resources may be found below in the podcast notes.
Shopping at Metro Lighting offers consumers and home pros help and advice on choosing the right lighting for the area being lit. For those not in the St. Louis area, phone service and online shopping are available. Or shop a local lighting specialty shop in your area. Choosing lighting and bulbs from a lighting specialty shop will give you advice and guidance in making the best lighting selections typically at or around the same cost as a big box store. It also supports local businesses and your community.
For more information about the show you can email Marla Esser Cloos at, or Tony Pratte at Get in on the gab for why green matters to you, your family, your friends, and your community.
Links from podcast
Recycling Your CFL bulbs –
Metro Lighting
Metro Lighting Sustainability Policy and Commitment
Metro Lighting Energy Efficient Products
Metro Lighting – Lighting Education and Information
Metro Lighting Facebook
Green Dining Alliance
City of Maplewood – First Green Dining District
St. Louis Earth Day
Every week on iTunes and The Everyday Green Home Podcast, get the gab with us as we share what we’ve done, as well as tips for greening up your home, your job, your family and your life! Get in on the gab for why green matters – to you, your family and friends and your community.
For more information about the show email us at: Marla at or Tony at
I’d love to speak at your next event – for ideas check out my speaking information. Thank you and have a blessed day.
Get in on the gab for why green matters – to you, your family and friends and your community.