Looking back at Podcast Guest Appearances from 2020
If you value your family’s health and the comfort and convenience your home provides, but could use a little help improving in those areas, then you’ve landed in the right place! I’ve had the privilege of being a guest on several phenomenal podcasts over the years where I discuss just that. These are a few episodes from 2020:
First, let’s cover what prompted my passion for green and healthier options. No big surprise here, but it’s directly tied to how products impact our health and wellbeing, which is oftentimes the catalyst that spurs people to make changes. The big truth: there’s no reason to wait to experience something negative before taking action, you might as well protect your health to avoid those potential consequences. You’ll also learn who I work with and how I can help you in this podcast with Casey Gray from The Conscious Builder Podcast.
For a quick episode that will catch you up on the latest @greenhomecoach projects, tune into episode 2769 of 12 Minute Convos with Engel Jones. You’ll be able to take notes on some of the businesses I work with in the home industry and be encouraged by mindsets you can adopt as you charge ahead day-to-day.
Curious about the benefits of a green-certified home and why they matter? Check out this episode of Frisella All Around the Yard Podcast with Tony Frisella. We cover six categories of green homes—five are physical, and one is informational. If you think a “green” home is out of reach, I highly recommend you listen to this episode to discover the changes you DO have the ability to make to your home, and what you can look for when buying new.
Suffer from allergies? While not a podcast per se, 10 Minute Tips with Gay, from Superior Air Quality, is a great Facebook video series on how you can improve your indoor air quality. This is a phenomenal resource not only for allergy sufferers, but also for anyone who wants to improve the impact their home has on their health.
Lastly, this conversation with Autumn McMahon from The Current Buzz Podcast is full of awesome take-aways. While this one doesn’t have a direct link, you can scan down the page for the episode titled, “How to Make Your Home Healthier”. And that’s exactly what we discuss! We also cover a great definition for “green”—it can be such a confusing catchall nowadays—and how your choices can impact your health and comfort. Grab a pen so you can jot down some great tips for improving your indoor air quality. You’ll even leave with my top three recommendations for how to transition to a healthier, comfortable, more sustainable home.
Remember, the goal is to live in a home that works for you, not the other way around! If you don’t want to miss future podcast episodes, I’d love for you to follow me @greenhomecoach on Instagram or Facebook. The most recent episodes of my Everyday Green Home Podcast can be found there, as well as guest appearance episodes with some of my favorite industry connections! Can’t wait for you to join me!