rate it green | green home coach

Rate It Green

Rate It Green is an open green building directory, network and resource. Rate It Green helps green builders connect and share expertise about green building and provides a host of resources for education, research, and discussion in and about the Green Building space. 

On the Everyday Green Home podcast

On the Green Home Coach Blog


Rate It Green is working to build the largest directory and network of green building companies, products and services, organizations and individuals in the green building industry. Write reviews, share your knowledge and expertise, or ask your toughest questions. Share what you know, and we’re betting that someone will do the same for you.

Rate It Green’s Community is a gathering place for connecting and sharing green building information and experiences. Add your thoughts and questions to our discussions, or create or join a group that interests you. With your participation, we can create a powerful resource and connect green builders across the globe. Join the conversation

Read Green Building Articles. Share your Expertise and News! Send Articles to: articles@rateitgreen.com


Welcome to Rate It Green’s Green Building Directory. Search here for leading edge green products, services, organizations, and related resources. Share your opinions through reviews, comments, and discussions. If you see a familiar organization that has not registered, please encourage them! Search the Green Building Directory. !

From Allison’s newsletter – Allison Friedman is the founder of Rate It Green

I have to admit that in discussing the state of the green building industry, there’s hope and excitement, but also some of what I’d call some real and justifiable anxiety.  Many green builders label themselves optimists.  I do, too.  And yet, there’s also a worry one senses about staying at a spot just below the tipping point for what feels like too long.  We can all be forgiven for asking, “Are we there yet?” Or, for sometimes just feeling out of patience because weren’t we feeling at this same tipping point back in like 2005??   It doesn’t feel as easy or as obvious as it should be to be green, to just be smarter and more efficient and healthy and comfortable and… Why isn’t everyone on board with this already?!!!”


Trusted Partners and Brands on the EGH Podcast https://greenhomecoach.com/trusted-partners-and-brands/